导演: 许学文 / 欧文杰 / 黄伟杰
编剧: 龙文康 / 伍奇伟 / 麦天枢
主演: 林家栋 / 任贤齐 / 陈小春 / 黄光亮 / 姜皓文 / 尹扬明 / 杜燕歌 / 岳华 / 梁健平 / 熊欣欣 / 吴志雄 / 欧锦棠 / 林雪 / 张凯 / 乐子龙 / Thimjapo Chattidu / 马幸葵 / 刘宗勇 / 金来群 / 黄凯森 / 黄华和 / 袁富华 / 颜子菲 / 罗志星 / 何家铧 / 许秉珩 / 李英涛 / 赵志诚 / 李文标
类型: 动作 / 犯罪
制片国家/地区: 中国香港 / 中国大陆
语言: 粤语 / 汉语普通话 / 泰语
上映日期: 2016-03-21(中国香港电影节) / 2016-04-07(中国香港)
片长: 97分钟
又名: Trivisa
IMDb链接: tt4379800
空穴来风,未必无因。1997年初,卓子强、叶国欢、季正雄互不相识,却恰巧在同一家酒楼出现。此后,江湖上便风声四起:香港犯罪史上最恶名昭彰的三大贼王,正密谋合作,做一件惊天大案。 众人都以为他们要趁回归前,成就犯罪界的最后辉煌。殊不知,身为主角的三人却懵然不知。卓子强刚刚绑架富豪的儿子,不动刀枪却成功勒索了数十亿的天价赎金,犯罪事业已臻顶峰。不断寻求挑战的他已难再突破,却无意中听见了传闻。本来只是一笑置之,却渐被这个想法吸引,为实现无中生有的惊天合作而不能自拔。想法慢慢变成痴迷,令他甘冒极大风险,也要把隐秘的叶国欢、季正雄找出来。一幕警匪枪战,叶国欢凭籍强大火力压制警方包围,亡命天涯,震动全城。面对天罗地网的封杀,他只能另谋发财大计,走私水货电器。昔日八面威风,如今却要卑躬屈膝,拢络高官。生意财源滚滚,他却在不断压抑自己。风声传来,没多久便引爆了内心的嗔怒,毅然放弃一切,重拾枪杆,要与卓子强会合。行事低调、小心谨慎是季正雄的屏障,作案规模虽然远不及其馀二人,但多次行劫警方对他仍是一无所知。小规模的行劫对他来说已是熟能生巧,风险甚微,但利润也不多。谣言传至,他虽知道三人合作利益必然丰厚,但起初仍克制自己,选择无视。可是贪欲已被勾起,一向极为谨慎的他也开始动摇。子虚乌有的谣言,竟渐渐成真。表面上,彷佛是传闻令他们走在一起;然而,却更像是他们三人在各自的性格、欲望驱使下衍生的必然结局。树大招风,本已全城瞩目的三人渐行渐近,所谓的世纪合作,更似在引火烧身。
In early 1997, mobsters Kwai Ching-hung, Yip Kwok-foon and Cheuk Tze-keung, whom have never met one another, are all in Hong Kong. Thereafter, rumour has it that Hong Kong’s three most notorious mobsters, known in the underworld as the “Three Kings of Thieves”, are plotting together to score a final hit before the transfer of sovereignty of Hong Kong. However, none are initially aware of the rumour. Yip is living as a fugitive after a gunfight with the Royal Hong Kong Police. He now makes his fortunes by smuggling counterfeit electronics. Powerful and prestigious in the past, Yip must now grovel to high Chinese officials. Although successful in his business, he becomes depressed. When the rumour comes to him, he feels the urge to give up everything and pick up his gun once again to join forces with the others. Kwai is very cautious and uses several pseudonyms to hide his identity. Although the scale of his crimes is nowhere as large as Yip’s and Cheuk’s, but he has managed to commit repeated robberies that are totally unknown to the police. Small-scale robberies, which have become his expertise, have minimal risk but also little profit. As he hears of the rumour, he realizes that he will make a large fortune by collaborating with Yip and Cheuk. He initially restrains himself and chooses to ignore it. However, Cheuk begins to have second thoughts. Cheuk has recently abducted the son of a rich tycoon and successfully extorted a ransom, all while under police surveillance. Wanting to raise the bar for himself, he hears about the rumour and becomes obsessed with the idea, going to extreme lengths to seek out Yip and Kwai.
资源:迅雷云盘 提取码:d825