导演: 程小东
编剧: 李碧华
主演: 张艺谋 / 巩俐 / 于荣光 / 吴天明 / 陆树铭
类型: 爱情 / 奇幻 / 冒险 / 古装
制片国家/地区: 中国香港 / 中国大陆
语言: 汉语普通话 / 粤语
上映日期: 1990-04-12(中国香港)
片长: 106分钟
又名: A Terracotta Warrior
IMDb链接: tt0098147
公元前200多年一天,秦始皇 ( 陆树铭 饰)遇刺,蒙天放 (张艺谋饰)挺身救驾。秦始皇大修陵墓,同时令方士炼制长生丹药。秦始皇暴虐无道,民不聊生。方士徐福 ( 谢博文 饰)骗得始皇信任,征召众多童男童女东渡蓬莱寻取长生仙药。曾因搭救秦始皇而被封官赐剑的蒙天放与应征少女韩冬儿 (巩俐饰)一见钟情,偷尝禁果,以欺君之罪被赐死。行刑前,冬儿暗将徐福炼就的长生不老金丹送入蒙天放口中,自己投身窑炉,殉情而死。蒙天放则被泥封为俑,置于皇陵。20世纪30年代,冬儿转世成为三流影星朱莉莉 (巩俐饰)。一次,她发现大明星白云飞 ( 于荣光 饰)盗掘皇陵的勾当。白云飞为杀人灭口,驾机携莉莉飞入空中。莉莉误将仪表盘打破,随即栽入秦始皇陵,使沉睡地下两千年的蒙天放得以复苏,并与闯入墓中的白云飞等盗墓贼展开搏斗。混乱中,朱莉莉与蒙天放跳进飞机,冲出洞穴,回到人间。白云飞又将蒙天放骗上火车,欲将他运往东北卖给洋人,被蒙天放识破,持剑杀出重围,携莉莉重返皇陵。白云飞又率大批盗贼炸开陵墓,强行冲入。此时,墓内兵马俑纷纷复活,将盗贼全部消灭。朱莉莉却为保护蒙天放而遭枪杀。1974年,三大兵马俑公诸于世,长生不老的蒙天放成为坑内修补技工。90年代,蒙天放在兵马俑博物馆又见到由朱莉莉轮回转世的日本女郎山口靖子 (巩俐饰)。
China 2.200 years ago. It’s the time of the Qin dynasty. The emperor seeks immortality by busily letting his alchemists search for a formula and building the famous terracotta army from the bodies of outlaws and the condemned. This is the time Mong Tiang Fong and court lady Twon fall deeply in love. Such a thing is not tolerated at the court and when their relationship is discovered both are sentenced to death. In the meantime the alchemists have discovered the formula of immortality, but decide to destroy their work. However Twon gets possession of one immortality pill which she manages to give to Tiang Fong before he’s made a terracotta warrior too. China 1930. While on location a film crew discovers parts of the grave of emperor Qin guarded by the terracotta warriors. Tiang Fong, being immortal, awakes…